Privacy Policy
Why do we have a privacy policy?
System Recruitment Limited is committed to privacy for everyone who accesses the site. Under the Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998, we must comply with certain regulations which are designed to ensure that any data you provide to us is processed with due care and attention.
What sort of data do we collect?
System Recruitment Limited collects personal data about you to help in the recruitment process. This data consists of information such as your name, address, e-mail address, work and education history and your responses to and the results of assessments administered through the site, plus your nationality which we are required to collect by law. We also collect information in the aggregate to provide us with a better understanding of the users of our website as a group, but which does not contain personally identifiable information.
Why do we process this personal data?
We process this personal data as necessary to aid the recruitment process. We may also use data collected in the aggregate to help us to understand our users as a group so that we can provide you with a better service.
Why do we collect and process sensitive personal data?
We collect and process sensitive personal data only so far as is necessary to ensure we conform with legal requirements, for example under the equality of opportunity laws. By using this website and by registering your details with us, you consent to us collecting and processing sensitive personal data supplied by you and disclosing this information to prospective employers and clients in connection with the recruitment process.
Do we pass data to third parties?
Where necessary we may pass data to third parties that help us to process data and to prospective or intended employers or customers for the purpose of recruitment. We may also share aggregate information with selected third parties but we do not disclose individual names or any identifying information.
How is this data safeguarded?
The security of your data is extremely important to us. Access to your personal data is only provided to our staff and third parties who help us to process data and, in order to help with the recruitment process, to prospective employers or customers.
How do we let you know if our policy changes?
Any policy changes, either due to business reasons or future changes in legislation, will be posted on this page and, if substantial, may be promoted on the website or through e-mail notification.
How do you remove your name from the database?
Under the Employment Agencies Act, System Recruitment Limited is obliged to hold your data for 12 months after it was last used. After 12 months of non-usage we will contact you and ask you if you want to keep your details on our database. If you do not indicate by signing in to System Recruitment Limited that you wish your details to be retained on our database, we will archive your account.
How we use cookies
We use a number of different cookies on our site. If you do not know what cookies are, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit for detailed guidance.
The list below describes the cookies we use on this site and what we use them for. Currently we operate an ‘implied consent’ policy which means that we assume you are happy with this usage. If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.)
How to disable Cookies
All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the ‘Help’ option in your browser for more details.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
First Party Cookies
These are cookies that are set by this website directly
Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to collect information about visitor behaviour on our website. Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. This Analytics data is collected via a JavaScript tag in the pages of our site and is not tied to personally identifiable information. We therefore do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.
You can find out more about Google’s position on privacy as regards its analytics service at